Women's History Month Map Displays
Casey Gentis, student-assistant
National Women's History Month is celebrated each year during the month of March. The week of March 26 is also Women's Week, an annual event at Ball State University planned by the Women's Studies Program. The week features guest speakers and special exhibits.
A special display commemorating Women's History Month is featured in the front window of the Geospatial Center & Map Collection in Bracken Library. A map showing the states that did not ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and a map showing the countries with women on their Olympics teams (above) are featured.
Students of women's history will also find many atlases in the Atlas Collection covering various women's issues. The Olympic map above was taken from the State of Women in the World Atlas.
For more information about maps, atlases, and other resources, contact the GCMC staff at (765) 285-1097.