A new collection of maps has been added to the Ball State University Libraries’ Digital Media Repository. Historic geological maps of Indiana dating back to the late 19th century are now available in digital format for researchers interested in the history and location of the production of fuel in Indiana. These maps will be a valuable resource for studying the beginning of the gas boom in Indiana, which led to the establishment and growth of many cities including Muncie, Gas City, and Gaston.
The Indiana Natural Resources Maps digital collection depict natural gas, coal, and petroleum deposits as well as the locations of stone quarries, pipelines, and gas wells from the 1880’s to the early 1900’s. Several regional maps of western counties of Indiana mark the location of coal mining operations.
The natural gas geological maps mark the beginning of active drilling and production of natural gas in the Trenton Gas Field in northeast Indiana and were produced by the Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources. These maps were produced to accompany the Annual Report of the State Supervisor of Natural Gas, which are available in the General Collection of University Libraries.
The Digital Media Repository is located at http://libx.bsu.edu/.
The original maps are available in the GIS Research & Map Collection (GRMC) on the second floor of Bracken Library. The GRMC is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
For more information about the maps, contact the GRMC at 765/285-1097.