Wednesday, July 05, 2006

June 2006 in the GCMC

BSU Backyard, 2004 Indiana State Fair

What's Happening in the GCMC? (June 2006 Edition)

Landscape Architecture students will once again be creating a display at the Indiana State Fair, "BSU Backyard." This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Fair, so a special display featuring the history of the Fair is being created in conjunction with the "Backyard." Carla Corbin, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, researched and borrowed several historic atlases, maps and aerial photographs of Indianapolis from the GCMC in preparation for this exciting exhibit.

The Center for International Programs will soon be sponsoring a study-abroad trip to Costa Rica and Panama, so many of the GCMC's maps of the region were reviewed in preparation and for promotion of the trip.

Members of the Environmentally Concerned Friends of Randolph County borrowed topographic maps and used digital maps from the GCMC for water quality testing sites.

Contact the GCMC for assistance completing class or community projects or planning a vacation itinerary.

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