Wednesday, September 06, 2006

August 2006 GCMC Events

August 2006 in the GCMC: Football, the Fair, and "Final Victory"

August usually means back-to-school activities in the Geospatial Center & Map Collection, but this year some different projects were completed just before the end of the summer break:

Ball State University assistant football coach Eddie Faulkner requested a map displaying the hometowns of each of the running backs on the team. The map was created with GIS software and included photographs of each player next to the hometown. The map is currently displayed in the football office at the stadium.

Historic maps borrowed from the GCMC were displayed at the "Ball State Backyard" at the Indiana State Fair. The GCMC was credited for providing the maps along with maps from the Indiana Historical Society and the State Archives.

Chris Reidy, Graphics Production Coordinator at the Ball State University Teleplex, borrowed a map from the GCMC for use in a documentary he is producing for WIPB and the History Department. The documentary is titled "Hitler's Final Victory," and the map shows the location of a battle that took place during World War II in the Ukraine. The GCMC is credited in the film.

A new set of Sanborn insurance maps of Boston and St. Louis were added to the GCMC collection in August. These maps are available as reference materials in the Center.

Students completing a summer project for Landscape Architecture borrowed topographic maps of Mexico. The group of students traveled to Mexico this summer for their class.

Architecture students borrowed maps from the Center in preparation for a unique project. The students are working on a monument site for the National Day of Mourning.

Students at the Australia Center will be using a set of topographic maps and aerial photography borrowed from the Center for their classwork in Australia. The maps were safely transported to Australia in August.

Many other students used the GIS, maps, atlases, and other resources of the GCMC during August. The areas of study were diverse: biology, marketing, English, geography, and political science.

The school year is just beginning, so visit the GCMC for assistance with class projects or to print a poster for a presentation.

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