Tuesday, October 03, 2006

September 2006 GCMC Events

What's Happening in the GCMC?
September 2006 Edition

The Geospatial Center & Map Collection hosted four sessions of two workshops during September. Introduction fo GIS and Map Resources was presented on September 6 and 19. Participants learned about the variety of resources available digitally, online, using GIS software, and provided from thousands of maps and atlases in the GCMC. GIS Data Workshop took place on September 7 and 20, and participants in this class learned about the best, most reliable GIS resources available. Participants were able to get hands-on experience with GIS software and other resources.

The GCMC also welcomed many "tourists" to the area in September. Over 130 people toured the GCMC. English and Honors College classes learned about how to use maps, atlases, and GIS data as visual aids in papers and presentations. A tour group from Deyang, China, viewed maps of their city and country. And two classes from an Indianapolis school learned about the GCMC as part of their visit to Ball State encouraging them to try to attend college some day.

The GIS Specialist began working on research projects in connection with students and faculty from the Departments of Psychology, Journalism, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, and the Supported Employment Consultation and Training Center.

Several maps were borrowed from the GCMC in September for local presentations. A guest speaker at the Rotary Club borrowed maps of Israel, and another from the Fishers Institute of Wellness and Gerontology borrowed maps of China.

Students and faculty from a number of disciplines used the GCMC's resources in September: landscape architecture, architecture, historic preservation, urban planning, elementary education, biology, GIS and cartography, geology, English, physics and astronomy, geography, construction management, and social studies methods.

The GCMC is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

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