Monday, January 08, 2007

2006 GCMC Events

2006: Geospatial Center & Map Collection Year in Review

Students from a variety of classes visited the GCMC in 2006 to use the maps, atlases, GIS software, and other resources available in the Center. In fact the list of classes is extremely diverse: Geography, Urban Planning, Historic Preservation, Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Archaeology, Anthropology, Geology, History, Art, Communications, Journalism, Modern Languages and Classics, Creative Writing, Music, Global Studies, Construction Management, and Biology. The Center also hosted students working on projects from Elementary Education, Social Studies methods, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Economics, Political Science, Physics and Astronomy, Sociology, Spanish, and English.

Visitors to the GCMC were international: The Center hosted tours to visitors from Deyang, China; Seoul, South Korea; Malawi; the Republic of Georgia; and Germany.

Keeping track: 2,487 items were circulated from the GCMC in 2006; 1,636 reference questions were researched using 12,356 items in the room; GIS software was used 228 times; 1,093 people used the plotter for printing; 34 maps were circulated through Interlibrary Loan; and 22 classes with 304 participants were given instructional sessions.

Contact the GCMC for information about any of these services and resources. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 5:00.

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