Thursday, August 02, 2007

Topographic Maps from around the World in GRMC

Topographic Maps from Around the World Available in GRMC

The U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle maps are popular items in the Geospatial Resources & Map Collection, but what if someone needs a topographic map of Iceland for research or learning? The GRMC has that, too! There are actually five different sets of topographic maps of Iceland created at different scales in the Collection. In fact the GRMC has individual topographic maps from over fifty countries around the world, including Brazil, Guyana, Poland (shown), Brunei, Mongolia, Madagascar, Senegal, and Pacific Island countries.

World and regional topographic map sets cover literally the rest of the world. World topographic maps are available in many different scales. Regional topographic maps cover areas of different countries. These topographic maps cover regions of South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. And topographic maps of Antarctica are even available from the Collection.

Topographic maps are important tools in geographic research because they are created using contour lines, showing areas of equal elevation. These maps make it possible to measure the terrain of the countryside or the height of mountains. Architecture students find the maps useful for site planning.

All the maps in the GRMC circulate for two weeks. Please note that not all of the topographic maps are cataloged in the library CardCat system, so contact or visit the GRMC to find out what types of maps are available for specific areas around the world.

The GRMC is open during the summer Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and during the academic year from 8:00 A.M. through 5:00 P.M.

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