Wednesday, October 03, 2007

September 2007 GRMC Events

What’s Happening in the GRMC? September 2007 Edition

The Geospatial Resources & Map Collection served as a second classroom during the month of September. Many different classes visited the GRMC for instructional sessions and tours, including English, Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages, and Foundations of Education.

Students from the College of Architecture & Planning also used the resources of the GRMC for special classroom projects. Landscape Architecture students working on a regional planning project of the White River borrowed maps showing vegetation, soils, recreational areas, transportation, and wildlife. The students were also able to access digital data and custom maps in the GIS lab in the GRMC.

Jay County High School students enrolled in English 103 used maps from countries all over the world to create culture packets for a class assignment. Anthropology students used maps and atlases of Africa for a research presentation. Biology students borrowed ecological maps of the Mississippi Delta for use in their classroom. And elementary education students used maps of Sweden and Scotland for special lessons.

A professor of Language and Linguistics was able to have custom maps of areas of Mexico created using the GIS lab. The maps showed areas where Mexican-Indiana dialects are spoken. Students working on an immersive learning project were able to access census data and have custom maps created in the GIS lab.

The resources of the GRMC were also used for recreational purposes during September. Two students planning a trip down the Mississippi River reviewed topographic maps and atlases to review the course of the trip. And topographic maps of an obscure wilderness area in Canada were used by another visitor planning a fishing expedition.

Visit the GRMC on the second floor of Bracken Library for resources for the classroom, for research projects, and for recreational excursions--for fun!

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