Thursday, January 03, 2008

December Events in the Geospatial Resources & Map Collection

Highlights from December 2007 in the GRMC

Staff of the Geospatial Resources & Map Collection provided an instructional session about using maps and atlases in social studies lessons to students in Social Studies Elementary Teaching Methods (SS397) on December 5. Students in the class learned about specific maps in the Collection, map publishers, and how to borrow maps for classroom activities.

University Libraries employees attended two Staff College sessions entitled A Day in the Life… on December 18. Participants learned about the daily responsibilities and interesting research opportunities that happen in the GRMC. Most were surprised to learn that in 2006 the GRMC hosted 3,884 visitors who used 15,982 maps and atlases. Participants also learned about daily life in Acquisitions and the Educational Resources Collection during the sessions.

The GIS Specialist assisted Frank Trechsel, Professor of Language and Linguistics in the Department of English, obtaining GIS data for Mexico and created detailed maps of specific areas for projects on Mexican-Indian dialects. Staff from the Social Science Research Center and Teachers College also used the GIS resources of the GRMC.

The GRMC also hosted a tour featuring visitors from China on December 7. Representatives from Shanghai Normal University toured the Map Collection, viewing several maps, atlases, and aerial photographs of their city.

The GRMC is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Contact the staff for more information about using the resources of the GRMC for research and learning.

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