Monday, February 18, 2008

Kosovo Maps, Atlases Available in University Libraries

Kosovo Maps and Atlases Available in University Libraries

News agencies are reporting that thousands of people swarmed the streets of Kosovo’s capital, Pristina, on Sunday celebrating the province’s declaration of independence. Kosovo’s parliament voted to declare independence from Serbia.

The province has been under the administration of the United Nations since ethnic clashes in 1999. Serbia refuses to recognize the independence of Kosovo, and Russia is calling for a meeting of the U.N. Security Council. Kosovo's independence has the support of Western powers including the United States and nations of the European Union.

The Geospatial Resources & Map Collection has dozens of thematic and topographic maps of Kosovo and its capital Pristina. International Travel Maps published a map of Kosovo in 2000 in the Collection, and a map of the provinces of Kosovo is shown above.

The first democratic elections in Kosovo are documented in atlases in the Atlas Collection of Bracken Library. The Humanitarian Community Information Centre published the atlases, Kosovo Atlas and 2001 Election Day Reference Guide and Kosovo Atlas: Municipal Elections 2000, My Municipality, My Decision. The Canadian Military Atlas in the Atlas Collection also documents Canada’s involvement in the conflict in Kosovo.

Maps from the GRMC may be checked out for two weeks, and atlases check out for four weeks. For more information about these resources, please contact the GRMC at 765/285-1097.

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