Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Travel Guides Available in Ball State University Libraries

University Libraries Offers Travel Guides for Women

Summer travel planning specifically for women can be researched using guides available from the University Libraries. These travel guides focus on issues women or solo travelers should consider.

The Traveling Woman: Great Tips for Safe and Healthy Trips by Catherine Comer and Lavon Swaim is available in the General Collection of Bracken Library. This book provides information about researching destinations and cultural differences, transportation, accommodations, travel documents and trip and medical insurance. Tips for packing are included, and special section focuses on safety issues for women travelers. The book also lists favorite websites for women travelers.

Travelin’ Lady by Barbara Goldstein is another guide directed at women making travel arrangements. In the book the author lists two important rules to remember for the woman traveler: “Traveling isn’t for sissies; and as well planned as a journey may be, loneliness and disappointment can ambush you.” This book provides travel tips and terms with illustrations to help women “plan to be alone, not lonely.”

Complete Book for the Intelligent Woman Traveler, A Woman Tenderfoot in Egypt, A Woman in the Balkans, and Everywoman’s Guide to Travel are also travel guides directed at a female audience available in Bracken Library. The Atlas Collection and Geospatial Resources & Map Collection on the second floor of the library also house several travel guides and maps.

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