Wednesday, November 12, 2008

GIS IndianaMap Road Show at Minnetrista Cultural Center

GIS Map “Road Show” in Muncie

The Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC) is presenting a series of “Road Shows” designed to inform Hoosiers—especially those in local government—how the IndianaMap legislation is changing GIS across the state. The legislation was enacted last year and mandates the creation of a single, statewide, digital map for Indiana.

The next “Road Show” will be held on Tuesday, November 18 at Minnetrista Cultural Center in Muncie, Indiana, from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Specific topics will include data sharing between different levels of government, funding opportunities, and future IndianaMap initiatives. Morning sessions will provide information about the map project: its benefits, impact, and long-term goals. Speakers will demonstrate how local data is already being incorporated into the IndianaMap and outline grants available to local governments to support their participation. Afternoon sessions will focus on Web Feature Services (WFS). This new technology will be the mechanism for combining data into a seamless statewide map. Speakers will be Jim Sparks, Indiana Geographic Information Officer, Phil Worrall, IGIC Executive Director, and representatives from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. A technical presentation on WFS will be given by Jeff Ehman of Image Matters.

For more information about the “Road Show” events, please contact the Indiana Geographic Information Council at 317/234-2924.

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