Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Cardinal Quiz Bowl Features Maps from Ball State University Libraries

Primetime: GRMC Maps on Television Quiz Show

What countries border Paraguay? What is the largest lake in Europe? These are some of the geography map questions high school students must answer correctly on the Cardinal Quiz Bowl. Cardinal Quiz Bowl is a series airing on public television station WIPB in Muncie. According to WIPB producers, Cardinal Quiz Bowl focuses attention on the academic ability of area high school students and brings attention to what Ball State University has to offer. Students are quizzed about current events and their general knowledge of art, English literature, math, science, and, of course, geography.

Each year producers of the show borrow the most current maps available from the Geospatial Resources & Map Collection to use on the show. The first Cardinal Quiz Bowl episode airs on WIPB on Friday, February 27 at 6:00 P.M. The show then airs on Sunday, March 1 at 8:30 A.M. The quiz show then continues to air at the same times on Fridays and Sundays. Maps from the GRMC will be featured on the second, third, sixth, and seventh episodes.

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