Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Maps of Sierra Leone Available from Ball State University Libraries

A Long Way Gone: Maps of Sierra Leone at Ball State University Libraries

Ishmael Beah, author of this year’s Ball State University Freshman Connections book, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, will speak tonight at 7:30 P.M. in Emens Auditorium. Beah was abducted into the civil war in Sierra Leone as a child soldier and was later rescued by UNICEF and rehabilitated.

The GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) on the second floor of Bracken Library has a varied collection of maps and atlases on the country of Sierra Leone. Atlas of Sierra Leone and Sierra Leone in Maps: Graphic Perspectives of a Developing Country are available in the Atlas Collection just outside the GRMC. Cultural Atlas of Africa is available in the GRMC, and includes information and maps about Africa and its civilizations.

The GRMC also has a set of topographic maps of Freetown, 1:500,000-scale topographic maps of Sierra Leone, and an Army Map Service map of Freetown from 1942. Travel maps of Sierra Leone show districts and provinces, roads and railways, and ferry routes. The Central Intelligence Agency published maps of Sierra Leone available in the GRMC showing vegetation, population, economic activity, ethnic groups, and a map showing the country’s size in comparison to South Carolina. Updated maps of the country published by the CIA in 2006 are also available. The GRMC also includes a set of land suitability maps of Sierra Leone showing areas where citrus and coffee are grown.

Maps from the GRMC circulate for two weeks or longer. Maps of Sierra Leone are not fully cataloged, so please visit the GRMC to see all of the available resources about the country.

The GRMC is open from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

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