Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smoking Maps from Ball State University Libraries

Tobacco Maps from Ball State University Libraries

The American Cancer Society is marking the 35th “Great American Smokeout” today by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit. Quitting smoking is not easy but the American Cancer Society states that to have the best chance of quitting successfully, smokers need to know what they’re up against, what their options are, and where to go for help.

The map above shows the percentage of the population who smoke cigarettes in each country (from 2005 data). The top map shows the percentage of men who smoke. The lower map shows the percentage of women who smoke. “Although fewer women smoke than men, there is a worrying increase among younger women in many countries.”

This map is from The Penguin State of the World Atlas by Dan Smith. The atlas is available in the Atlas Collection on the second floor of Bracken Library or from the GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC). Another valuable atlas in the collection that features maps on various issues is The Tobacco Atlas.

Atlases can be useful educational resources as visual aids in papers and presentations, and the images from atlases can be easily scanned. Atlases circulate for 28 days or longer.

For more information about using maps from atlases in education and research, please contact the GRMC at 765-285-1097.

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