Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Food-Related Cartographic Resources at Ball State University Libraries

Mapping Fast Food

The Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) on the second floor of Bracken Library updates its collection of cartographic resources to provide current information for research and learning. Maps and atlases that provide a variety of useful information on topical issues are acquired for the Collection.

One of the newest atlases available in the Atlas Collection is the Atlas of Food: Who Easts What, Where, and Why. The atlas contains maps about farming, agricultural trade, genetic modification, organic farming, restaurants, consumption, and other issues related to the global food system. The map above (click to enlarge) shows the amount of cereal produced in regions around the world. The atlas also includes charts and other graphics, including the graph showing the number of Wal-Mart stores in each region (above).

The State of the World Atlas is another atlas that could be used to provide visual aids for papers and presentations. The atlas includes maps and graphics related to women’s issues, religion, war, the environment, education, healthcare and other current world topics. The graph above shows the number of McDonald’s restaurants added to regions around the world.

The GRMC also provides information about cartographic resources on the Internet for research, learning, and sometimes entertainment value. For example, McDonald’s announced the return of the “McRib” sandwich at select restaurant locations. This Web page actually maps the location of the popular sandwich around the country: http://kleincast.com/maps/mcrib.php.

For more information about these cartographic resources or how to use maps as visual aids, please contact or visit the GRMC Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 5:00.

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