Thursday, December 01, 2011

HIV/AIDS Maps Available from Ball State University Libraries

World AIDS Day: HIV/AIDS Maps Available from Ball State University Libraries

World AIDS Day is held on December 1 each year as an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with the condition, and to remember those who have died. The theme for the 2011 is “Leading with Science, Uniting for Action.” The first World AIDS Day was held in 1988.

Many of the atlases available from the Atlas Collection in Bracken Library feature maps that depict the AIDS crisis around the world. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World published a map showing the number of adults living with HIV/AIDS as of 2006-2007. The map features a graphic showing the number of men and women living with the disease. More women than men in Sub-Saharan Africa have HIV/AIDS.

Another map from the atlas shows the availability to drugs fighting the disease in Sub-Saharan Africa. Less than 10% of the population in many of these countries is receiving anti-retroviral drugs as of 2005. Another graph depicts the estimated number of people who died each week from HIV/AIDS in 2005.

The Penguin State of the World Atlas also features a similar map. This map includes the percentage of people infected during 2007.

The Penguin Atlas of Human Sexual Behavior from the Atlas Collection includes a map showing the HIV/AIDS population. This map also depicts the countries where more women than men have the disease. According to this map, “By 2015, AIDS will reduce the life expectancy by 17 years in countries with high HIV prevalence” in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Allyn Bacon Social Atlas of the United States features a map and chart describing the HIV/AIDS prevalence here in America. The map shows the number of persons living with the disease in 2002 and the Center for Disease Control spending in each state. The chart from the atlas shows the number of new diagnoses, which have actually declined since the 1990’s due to prevention and treatment improvements.

Atlases are great resources for maps, charts, photographs, and other graphics, and atlases can be easily scanned for use in papers or presentations. The Atlas Collection in Bracken Library includes thousands of atlases that feature maps about many significant world and regional issues. For more information about using maps as visual aids, please contact the GIS Research and Map Collection in Bracken Library at 765-285-1097 or use the online guide for using maps for papers and presentations at

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