Friday, January 04, 2013

By the Numbers: 2012 in the Ball State University Libraries' GIS Research and Map Collection

Students, faculty, and staff from a variety of departments used the maps, atlases, GIS software, color plotters, and other resources of the Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) in Bracken Library in 2012.  In fact, the list of departments is extremely diverse:  Geography, Urban Planning, Historic Preservation, Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Anthropology, History, Biology, and Construction Management.  Visitors completed projects and research for classes in English, Art, Elementary Education, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Journalism, Sociology, Political Science, and Modern Languages and Classics.

By the numbers:  Staff of the GRMC provided instructional sessions on cartographic resources to 86 classes with 1,828 students.  2,752 maps were circulated; 2,336 cartographic reference questions were researched using 23,949 maps and other resources in the GRMC. GIS software was used by 763 visitors to the GIS Research Area or with the assistance of the GIS Specialist.  1,478 people used the large-format color plotters for printing posters for presentations, and 315 items were laminated using the large-format laminator.  And this GRMC Blog had 61,716 page views in 2012.

Contact the GRMC about any of these services or resources at 765-285-1097 Monday through Friday.

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