Monday, February 25, 2013

Maps of Iran at Ball State University Libraries

Maps in the News:  Tehran, Iran Maps during the Time of Argo

The Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) has a large collection of maps and atlases of Iran and the Middle East. The collection includes new and historic topographic, tourist, geological, and street maps.

Iran Country Profile is a map of the country created in 2004 by the Central Intelligence Agency. This map includes a comparative area map, location map, and a list of major historical events in Iran since 1908. The map features ancillary maps of regional physiography, population density, ethno-religious distribution, key petroleum sector facilities, Southern Caspian energy prospects, and the Strait of Hormuz. The GRMC also includes the most up-to-date country report maps from the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Map Collection includes road maps, physical maps, tourist maps of the country, provinces, and cities, and maps of the people of Iran. Many of these maps are printed in English, Persian, and French. Some of the historical maps in the Collection feature bright illustrations of local costumes and handicrafts. A map titled Iran (Persia), Afghanistan, and Baluchistan dates from the 1930’s and features caravan routes.

The GRMC also includes a set of international nautical charts including the areas surrounding Iran. Many of these nautical charts include basic maps of coastal areas.

Maps of the cities of Iran include a set of varied maps of Tehran. The New Map of Tehran includes telephone directories for accommodations for tourists and distance charts.  The map shown above (click to enlarge) identifies the location of the former United States Embassy in Tehran. The map was published in 1978, so the street names of nearby Roosevelt and America and even Shahreza have been changed since the revolution in Iran.

The Atlas Collection includes several atlases of Iran. The Historical Atlas of Iran and Atlas d’Iran are newer materials. The Atlas d’Iran is printed in French with English captions. This atlas includes an entire section featuring numerous maps of the city of Tehran. The 1956 Atlas of Geological Maps of Southwest Persia was published by an oil company. An atlas about Iran’s White Revolution is also located in the Atlas Collection.

Maps from the GRMC circulate for two weeks or longer. Atlases circulate for 28 days.

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