Friday, November 22, 2013

GIS Map of the Life of President John F. Kennedy

ESRI GIS Map and Video Depicts the Life of John F. Kennedy

On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, leading GIS software developer ESRI has created an interactive story map of the major events in the life of the former president.  “Even though he was only President for three years, John F. Kennedy has become one of the most iconic individuals in American history."

Users can take a geographic tour of key moments in Kennedy’s life, from his birth in Brookline, Massachusetts, through his early travels in Europe, his tour of duty during World War II with the U.S. Navy, to his speech at the Berlin Wall, to his assassination in Dallas, Texas.  The map also features videos of famous speeches and how the geography of Dealey Plaza affected the events on November 22, 1963.  The map and video may also be embedded in other Web sites.

For more information about using story maps, visit the ESRI Web page or the Storytelling with Maps gallery.

(Photograph above shows candidate John Kennedy visiting  Muncie, Indiana, in 1960 and is from the Ball State University Libraries' Archives and Special Collections.  All rights reserved).

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