Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Online Women in GIS Map

Celebrating Women’s History Month:  Crowd-Sourced Map of Women in GIS
From Caitlin Dempsey, GIS Lounge

In honor of Women’s History Month, Dr. Linda Loubert of Morgan State University is attempting to create a crowd-sourced map of women in GIS.  Dr. Loubert requests women working with GIS, in the GIS industry, teaching GIS, or GIS students to contribute to the map.

The map is dotted with GIS professionals categorized by their industry—academia, private sector, nonprofit, government.  So far most of the submissions are based mainly in the United States.  Users can zoom in to see other GIS professional women working in various areas of a state or city.

To add personal information to the map, click “edit.”  Choose the appropriate symbol designation for the particular GIS occupation sector, and add a dot.  Users can also add photographs, maps, or relevant Web pages.

For more information about the map, please contact Dr. Linda Loubert at Morgan State University. Caitlin Dempsey is the editor of GIS Lounge.  

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