Thursday, December 18, 2014

Maps in the News

National Geographic map showing North Korea's nuclear capability

National Geographic satellite map showing dark North Korea compared to South Korea and Japan

U.S. Geological Survey LandSat image map of Peshawar, Pakistan

Central Intelligence Agency map of Pakistan

Historical Atlas of the United States map showing the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis

GRMC Map of incidents of the Cold War

Central Havana

1911 U.S. War Department map of Cuba

Maps in the News:  North Korea, Cuba, and Pakistan Maps Available from Ball State University Libraries

The Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) includes thousands of maps and atlases of locations in the news.  These maps (click to enlarge maps) of North Korea, Pakistan, and Cuba may be used for numerous projects for research and learning.

The LandSat map of Pakistan is part of a set of satellite maps of the country that detail the rugged terrain.  The map of Cold War incidents created by the GRMC is available from the Ball State University Cardinal Scholar repository.  The 1911 map of Cuba is available from the Digital Media Repository.

For more information about any of the maps in the Collection, please contact the GRMC at 765-285-1097.

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