Friday, January 22, 2016

Culture Exchange Programs at Ball State University

Around the World in One Semester: Ball State University Culture Exchange Program

The Ball State University Rinker Center for International Programs will be presenting another semester of international speakers for their Culture Exchange program.  Presenters from around the world will highlight the culture and lifestyles of their home countries every Wednesday at noon in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Phyllis Yuhas Room (Student Center 102).

The Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) provides maps and photographs from atlases to create exhibits to serve as a backdrop and visual aid for the program.  Some of the poster exhibits from past speakers are available for use in other displays and programs from the Libraries’ Cardinal Scholar repository.

The program begins on January 27 with Raheleh Ravanfar presenting about Iran.  The complete program schedule:
  • ·        February 3: Germany with Lisa Tuech and Nadja Rottman
  • ·        February 10: Belarus with Maryia Skarakhod
  • ·        February 17: Mongolia with Oyunzul Ariunbold
  • ·        February 24: Kazakhstan with Dinara Shadyarova
  • ·        March 2: India with Ramkrishna Apsingekar
  • ·        March 16: Japan with Yuki Kurita
  • ·        March 23: England with Matt Woolridge and Sam Grubb
  • ·        March 30: Rwanda with Ines Dushime
  • ·        April 6: Spain with Lucia Escolano and Carmen Pardo
  • ·        April 13: Turkey with Ceren Dincel

Attendees are welcome to bring their lunch to the program.

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