Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Maps in the News: North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Firearms

Maps in the News: North Korea, Sunnis and Shiites, and American Gun Violence

North Korea has reported a successful testing of a hydrogen bomb, and the U.S. Geological Survey detected a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in the vicinity of a known Pyongyang nuclear site.  National Geographic published this map of the Korean Peninsula in 2006 (above, click to enlarge) showing the locations of nuclear sites.  This map is an inset on a larger comprehensive map of the two Koreas and is available for circulation from the Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC).

The Middle East continues to be in the news with the two branches of Islam aligning with different countries in various conflicts.  Sunni-led allies of Saudi Arabia have cut diplomatic ties with Shiite Iran, but this map from The New York Times demonstrates that most of the Middle East is made up of mixed populations of Sunni and Shia Muslims.  (Note: Non-Muslims and other Islamic sects are not shown on the map).

The Second Amendment and the right to bear arms is also making the news.  For perspective, The Guardian published this map of private firearms ownership around the world from 2012 data.

The GRMC provides access to cartographic resources that can be used in research and learning.  Maps offer a unique format for conveying messages and make excellent visual aids for papers or presentations.  For more information about using maps to learn about current events or social topics, call the GRMC at 765-285-1097.

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