Monday, October 24, 2016

Maps of Mosul and Iraq Available from Ball State University Libraries

The Battle for Mosul in Maps

Iraqi and Kurdish forces (aided by American special forces and airstrikes) are pushing toward the city of Mosul, Iraq.  The forces are battling to retake Iraq’s second-largest city from the Islamic State (Isil).  Iraqi and Kurdish troops have captured several villages from the east, while attempting to avoid suicide car bombs, booby traps, mines, and improvised explosive devices left by the Isil fighters along the way.  The city of Mosul is also laced with car bombs and mines.

The New York Times offers a glimpse of the battle via satellite imagesAljazeera created a map (above, click to enlarge) showing the area surrounding Mosul and which forces are in control.  And The Washington Post provides maps that describe the history of the city dating back to the First Crusade.

The Ball State University Libraries’ GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) includes hundreds of maps of Iraq and the Middle East—both historic and current.  The second map above (click to enlarge) is part of a guide map of Iraq that was published in English and Persian.  A map of the city of Mosul is shown (above), and the map also includes detailed maps of Erbil, Baghdad, and Karbala.

The last map is from a set of topographic maps of Iraq that were published by the War Office of Great Britain in 1931.  The map was later reissued by the U.S. Army Map Service during World War II.  The map depicts relief shown by contours and identifies locations of telegraph and telephone lines, water towers, pumping stations, hospitals, ancient tombs, and other important sites.

Maps from the GRMC may be circulated for two weeks or longer.  For more information, please contact the GRMC at 765-285-1097.

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