Monday, October 02, 2017

World Breast Cancer Rates Map from Ball State University Libraries

Mapping Breast Cancer around the World

The Ball State University Libraries GIS Research and Map Collection (GRMC) features one of the unique maps from the Collection as the “Map of the Month.”  The October “Map of the Month” is a map depicting the countries with the highest rates of breast cancer in the world.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the map (above, click to enlarge) identifies the countries with the highest breast cancer incidence per 100,000 women—all the countries have 75 cases and over based on 2002-2007 world age standardized rates.  (The United States has the highest rate with 101 per 100,000).

All of the countries are industrialized.  Women in industrialized countries are more likely to get breast cancer.  One in eight women in industrialized countries will develop breast cancer over an 85-year lifespan. 

The map was created using data from the Penguin Atlas of Women in the World by Joni Seager.  The atlas was published in 2009 and includes maps related to social topics like disease, marriage, birthrights, environmental resources, employment, and power.  The atlas is an excellent cartographic resource for visual aids for creative writing projects or presentations and is available in the Atlas Collection or the GRMC.

The GRMC provides access to online cartographic resources for educational projects and learning.  Contact the GRMC for more information about using maps in education and learning.

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