Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Notable Donations to the Map Collection in April

Generous Donations to the Map Collection in April

The Map Collection received numerous maps from two notable donors during the month of April 2007.

Jacqueline Luzar, a graduate student at Ball State University, donated over eighty maps to the Map Collection. The maps were from her personal collection, many acquired as she travelled around the country. Some of the interesting maps donated by Miss Luzar include Kentucky's Lewis and Clark Legacy, Wineries of Indiana, Indiana Christmas Trees, Amish Country Ohio, and beautiful maps of New Harmony and the covered bridges of Parke County, Indiana. Miss Luzar also donated the Cracker Barrel Roadway Map, which shows the locations of Cracker Barrel restaurants around the United States. Miss Luzar will be graduating from Ball State University in May with a Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture. She was the recipient of a fellowship from the Garden Club of Virginia in 2005 and documented historic landscapes in the state. This work was noted in the publication Vineyard of the National Park Service Historic Landscape Initiative. This summer Miss Luzar will be working on historic documentation of the gardens at the White House in Washington, D.C.

Also in April the sizeable donation of Helen and Martin Schwartz was processed and cataloged for the Map Collection. The Schwartz donation included many historic maps, including the strategic plotting chart produced by the Secretary of the Navy in July 1941 (shown above). Also included in the donation: Israel and Adjoining Countries, China Coast and Korea, Greater New York, Cathay Pacific, and several maps of the Holy Land. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz of the Schwartz Paper Company have been active in the Muncie community for decades. Mr. Schwartz was the president of the Muncie Civic Theater and worked with the Boys Club, Red Cross, Junior Achievement, the Muncie Symphony, and was a founding member of the World Business Council. Mr. Schwartz worked part-time in the political science department at Ball State University. Mrs. Schwartz was the first woman president of the Temple Beth El of Muncie. Mrs. Schwartz also established Hoosier Bounty, a food program providing meals to thousands of people. She and her husband endowed lectures and a publication series in the Harvard Center for Jewish Studies and the Indiana University Jewish Studies Program. The Schwartzes have also been active in the Muncie Public Library and the Friends of Alexander M. Bracken Library.

The Geospatial Center & Map Collection is grateful for these generous donations. Contact the staff of the Center to donate materials or to view these new additions to the Map Collection.

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