What’s Happening in the GRMC? June 2008
During the month of June, a major focus of the Geospatial Resources & Map Collection was providing resources for educators:
The GIS Specialist began creating custom GIS data for Prairie Creek Reservoir in Muncie for a professor from the Department of Natural Resources/Environmental Management. The Map Collection Assistant consulted with two beginning teachers and created custom lesson plans using maps from the GRMC for use in middle school classrooms in coordination with the GRMC online maps tutorials on the Web page. Some of these lesson plans are available for use at http://ilocker.bsu.edu/users/mgentry/WORLD_SHARED
Researchers visiting the GRMC during the month of June included a marketing thesis student referencing topographic maps of Indiana, a faculty member using a World War I-era map of the Middle East for a class, and a new landowner researching the location of oil wells on his property. Students studying the history of Huntington County used maps and atlases in the GRMC, genealogists researched historic maps of Germany and Poland for their family history, and students from Geography 240 and 101 used maps from the GRMC for class assignments.
Staff of the GRMC created a map of the United States showing college towns for a graduate student in sociology. The map was printed on one of the large-format plotters available in the GRMC.
For more information about maps, atlases, GIS technology, or using the large-format plotters, please contact the GRMC at 765/285-1097.
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